Friday, September 9, 2011

Cinderella Cake

My mom used to make princess cakes for my sisters and I when we were growing up.  That is right, cake decorating runs in my family :).  I promised myself that I would never make one.  Not because I didn't appreciate what my mom had done for us, but rather it seemed so cut and dry.  However, I thought it would be fun to do something a little cut and dry.  I didn't have to do the math and really think about this one.  Simply, bake a few cakes and cover it in fondant right?  Well, not necessarily like that, but I was looking forward to it.  My friend's daughter was about to turn three and she LOVES princesses.  So I begged my friend to let me do a princess cake for her.  She provided the Cinderella Barbie and I got to work.

I baked a wonder pan cake and an 8 x 3" round cake.  Stacked, filled and carved for a smooth edge and crumb coated.  Here is where the frustration began.  I wanted Cinderellas dress to frill up so I could put some little white ruffles on the dress to give it some dimension.  I placed some rice crispy treats on the cake to give it some flow - but I hated that part in my end product.  Next time, I will cut some shape into the cake rather than adding to it.  Or maybe a little of both, but I was not happy with the way that part turned out.  Anyway, I didn't get any pictures because of my frustration, but believe me, the cake got covered in fondant.

I stripped Cinderella and covered her in plastic wrap (yes, including her head - I didn't want to get  frosting her her hair).  I put the bodice and sleeves on her dress.  I tried and tried and tried to get some white gloves on her, but it would not work - they kept looking more like giant mittens.
I added Cinderella to her dress.  Added some accents, like the light blue by her waist and the ruffles that I so desperately wanted to add.  And she was finished.  Really not that challenging, but you could really do some neat things with these modern day princess cakes.  I've seen some great (and not so great) youtube videos on it.   The most important thing is that the birthday girl LOVED it!

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